I started reading magazines at a young age. Magazines always seemed so much more rich to me than books. More categories and a wider variety of content and photos and pictures. Looking back on when I started reading whatever magazines my family had laying around the house, the first thing I would look for in each magazine was the editor’s notes. Usually, a short one page section after the table of contents where the editor would say a few words.
My favorite was when the editors did a round up or review of all the things they loved from the month of the issue. So I decided at the end of each month to start doing this. I think it will help remind me of all the best times of the month and increase my gratitude as well.
So away we go!
Travel: Mallorca, Spain

My favorite spot from this last month is easily Mallorca. I am no where near being done with my post series on Mallorca (apologies), but I cannot wait to share with you guys my experiences from my week in Spain. It was a dream!
Food: Maakouda

Last weekend my host family in Morocco and I went out for lunch. They convinced me that Maakouda was a Moroccan street food legend and that it was a necessary cultural experience to eat it. It turns out Maakouda is simply a fried potato patty in bread served like a sandwich, but I had to admit it was a tasty splurge. Here is a recipe for making Maakouda at home if you so desire.
Film: The Mummy

Ok I know, this 1999 film is pretty cheesy and has a 58% on Rotten Tomatoes. But when I was in a mood for something lighthearted and funny one night in Mallorca, he suggested it and I found myself laughing way more than I should have. Because of putting me in a tremendously better mood than expected it makes this months list.

Reading: My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent
I originally bought this book back in September and I still haven’t gotten around to reading it but this semester I have since restarted it. A story of a young, socially isolated daughter who is raised by a single dad who is an extreme survivalist and doomsday-prepper makes for such an interesting story line while the writing style itself is on another level. Can’t wait to finish the book.
Alright that’s all for my March Editor’s Notes. Please let me know in the comments if you like these type of posts and want me to continue them or if you hate them! I also would love any recommendations you have for me for April!