I split this up because it is quite a story, so if you want the details read ahead and wait for Day 2 and Day 3 to come out, but if you’re just looking for a quick itinerary and what I recommend about Agadir, look for my travel guide coming soon!
My three friends and I finalized our plans to go to Agadir this weekend on Wednesday. On Thursday I bought my flight and bought our Air b&b for the next day.
I don’t normally have such last minute plans, but this was a rare free weekend where it didn’t seem like anyone wanted to do any of the larger touristic cities. The mood was lazy and relaxing going into the weekend.
Agadir seemed like the perfect place for a lazy weekend. Not one of the more touristic places, so we were being careful not to bite off more than we could chew this weekend. But by far the most appealing aspect of Agadir was the beaches.
So after I finished classes Friday I went home with my roommate, packed, and met our friends near the center of town so we could hail a grande taxi.
In Morocco there are two types of taxis, petite taxis and grand taxis. The petite taxis take up to three people and the grand taxis can take 4 or more (maybe 6 or 7 max depending on the type of grand taxi).
The Friday we decided to leave for Agadir is the same weekend Rabat decided to rain. Like torrential rain and my three friends and I stood in this rain as we tried to hail a grand taxi, which proved to be impossible for some unknown reason (if I find out a better way of hailing a grand taxi I’ll write about it later).
Eventually, a nice Moroccan man helped us negotiate with a shady petite taxi to take all four of us to the airport (it was a bit of a squeeze). So we prearranged a price but of course he tried to ask for more at the end cause of “traffic.” Big tip, all the taxis here haggle and try shady stuff. Some refuse to turn on the meters, others won’t give you your change back, and others try to charge you for more than one person. If any of the taxis drivers try this, DON’T GIVE THEM THE MONEY. Just say no and get out or say you’ll call the police.
So once we get to the airport, we try checking in at the wrong terminal. For domestic flights they are at terminal 2. So where is terminal 2? Through a forest of course. So we walk down a mud trail to the other terminal, round the corner and we see the smallest airport building I have ever seen. One runway, one plane in sight.
Taking off, the flight, and landing all went fine ( I was asleep for almost all of it).
Once we left the airport, we got an overpriced taxi to where our Air B&B was, a place called the Marina. Once we arrived we all were taken aback by the amount of white people there. It seemed to me that Agadir seemed like a happening place to get a winter home. Like an African version of Florida.
We walked around for a bit looking for our Air B&B, and to my surprise there were very very few cat calls. Honestly, I don’t think there were any outright cat calls, just servers at the many outside restaurants trying to get us to sit down and eat.
Once we finally found our Air B&B (Morocco has a thing with addresses), we changed and went out to eat at an outdoor restaurant. After eating we went back to our Air B&B and we tried to watch some Netflix which didn’t really work due to the wifi, so we went to sleep.
That was my first day in Agadir! Stay tuned for more. <3