While I have been sick in bed with bronchitis for the last 48 hours, freaking out because I have gone so long without posting anything, I realized that spring all but snuck up on me. Since here in Morocco I’m pretty disconnected from most Western fashion trends I did have to do a bit of research but who can really complain about going through runway photos and articles on the topic?
Well let’s get started:
- Lavender- the season’s color
ss19 saw lavender in all shapes and forms, dresses, blouses, pants, shoes, everything. I think it goes without saying that we may be seeing an increase in pastel and a decrease in neon with the changing of the seasons.

2. Fringe
Personally, I’m not sure how I feel about the resurgence of this trend. I feel like I had my fringe moment in high school and I can remember all the fringe purses I left back home when I went to college. But nevertheless, the fashion gods have spoken.

3. Asymmetrical Necklines
For those of you with OCD about symmetry, skip the next images.

This one gave me cute cowgirl vibes with the white lace and brown boots.

If you can give their Spring Summer lookbook a try, everything was glitzy and glamour out the house.

I tried to find pictures of some non-dress examples but I really couldn’t find any screengrabs or photos of tops and the like. I promise they’re still on trend though.
4. Paisley Print
Now here’s a major throwback to my Groovy Girls days.

5. Tie Dye
I love tie dye so I give this revival a big thumbs up.

And there you have it. My personal favorites for this spring season. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to incorporate a few of them here in Morocco but we’ll see fashion trends are a bit slow around here. We need a Casablanca Fashion Week!