One of the first things I did when I found out I was going abroad this semester was tell Andy (my boyfriend) then immediately afterwards plan what we were going to do for spring break. We decided to kind of meet in the middle (with him going a lot farther than me) and we settled on Mallorca the largest of the Spanish
Balearic Islands.
The only problem with buy tickets so far in advance was that I had no idea which airport in Morocco was the right one to buy tickets from. And I didn’t do my research. So I bought tickets out of Rabat airport not Casablanca airport (which is the international airport) and suffered because of it. I had three planes total on the trip to Mallorca and the trip back to Rabat.
The first leg of the trip started Saturday March 9th from Rabat to Paris, then from Paris to Amsterdam with a 10 hour layover in the middle of the night, then finally, Amsterdam to Palma de Mallorca. This entire trip was reversed on the way back to Morocco.
Anyways boring plane stuff aside, once I landed in Palma it was the next day (Sunday) and all Andy and I did was eat, sun tan on our room’s spacious balcony, and eat again so I’m leaving out the details of the first first day.
So on Monday we got up at 7 to do our little morning, in-room core workout then got ready, and then we went down to breakfast. I will mention this a lot probably, but the included breakfast at our hotel was the best continental breakfast I have ever had. It was so good we bought zip lock bags to bring to breakfast so we could make sandwiches for lunch. #brokecollegekids
After sneaking our lunches away, we set out for our first stop: Castell de Capdepera. These are the remains of an old Arabic stone castle that was used as a fortress. There were amazing views of the ocean and city. Unfortunately it was pretty overcast so my photos of the ocean views didn’t really turn out.

Next we went into the city to check out the Cuevas del Drach. Buuuuttt we found out that you had to pay for a boat to ferry you out to the caves. And like I said earlier #brokecollegekids so we instead just hiked around hoping to see some caves. We didn’t. So we packed up and headed to our next location.
Torre del Serral dels Falcons. This was an old, rundown lighthouse. It had gorgeous views of the ocean and huge cliffs. Andy decided to give me a heart attack and play around taking photos right on the edge of the cliffs. But he did get some great shots.
Afterwards, we went to the grocery store to pick up some necessities. I suggest the LiDL grocery store over the Mercadona chain., LiDL had cheaper prices on pretty much everything. These seemed to be the main grocery stores at least in the area we stayed in.
We headed back to our hotel and had a workout sesh in their pretty underwhelming gym. Then got ready to go back to the lighthouse to see the sunset but we realized that it was probably too overcast to see any good sunset anyways, so we stayed in, had dinner at the hotel, and worked on our own projects. I worked on fixing my blog and transferring over hosting and Andy edited photos.
That’s a wrap for Day 1 of Mallorca! 6 more glorious days to come! Stay tuned.